Yesterday the Hello Everybody embarked on a journey into this decade of our youth. The show hosts were Thilo and Fabian who had just recently returned from a short trip from Åland with Alphaville, the German 1980s icons, onboard.
The playlist:
- After the Fire - 1980F (background music)
- Extrabreit - Hurra, die Schule brennt
- Alphaville - Big in Japan (Eiffel 65 Mix)
- Alphaville - Sounds like a melody (Staggaman mix, as background music)
- Alphaville - Forever Young
- Spider Murphy Gang - Skandal im Sperrbezirk
- Nina - 99 Luftballons (99 Red Balloons)
- Andreas Dorau - Fred vom Jupiter
- Peter Schilling - Major Tom (Völlig losgelöst)
- Falco - Der Kommissar
- Nicole - Ein bisschen Frieden (International version)