Friday, November 12, 2010

Student’s years could be called the best in the life without any doubt if not the DEADLINES.
Deadlines is what make us sleep only 4 ( maximum) hours per night before the paper must be send in to the teacher.
More than 80% of my classmates upload the paper during the last hour (before the deadline). More than a half of those 80% do it in the last 15 minutes.
Why if we have 10 days for the preparation the only one night when we really do something is a night before deadline? Why all others days and nights we feel carefree and sleep normally or party hard?
From other point of view, DEADLINES are what teach us how to manage our time if, of course, the person is ready to be taught.
These DEADLINES’ lessons can be very useful for us in our future “adult” life.
Today from 10 to 11 p.m. on Anna N.K., Ashot and Andrius are going to discuss
“How to manage DEADLINES?”

Join us and call 087909869.
Vi hörs!
Anna N.K.

picture is taken from

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