Friday, February 17, 2006

Hello everybody,

finally it is on: The homepage of the Hello Everybody Show, the show for international students at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm.
It is on every Friday from 10 pm to 11 pm on THSRadio - listen to it live on the net or in Stockholm on 95.3 MHz!

The Hello Everybody Show brings you:
  • Events in and around Stockholm - the best places to go on the weekend
  • Great guests
  • Special music
  • The perfect pre-party program for you!
If you want to be our guest or want to announce an event, you are warmly welcome. Our E-Mail-Adress is
During the show you can reach as on the phone. Simply call 08-7909869.

We hope you tune in to the next show!

A little bit of history of the show.
The team of Hello Everybody came together last September.

Actually the show is much older but when last year's exchange students left, it was off air for some time.

Remit volunteered on the THSRadio meeting, and Fabian joined a week later. First the team was small, but after a second call the initial team formed

After some weeks the current team had come together:

  • Constantinos
  • Evangelos (called Vaggos)
  • Fabian
  • Francisco
  • Mohammed
  • Remi

This is a picture from 14th of October 2005 showing Francisco on the left, Constantinos in the center and Fabian on the right.

The week after we had finally our first guest on the show: Ronney from Switzerland.

He brought us some music and told us about his roboter.

We had several guests during autumn, one was even a real celebrity: Farad of the TV show FC Z who told us about his experiences with football and the training in the show of 28th of October 2005. A picture ofthe show can be seen on the top (from left to right: Fabian, Francisco, Remi, Farad, Mohammed)

Another highlight was certainly the show of 18th of November 2005, featuring a representative of Stockholm Film Festival in a short interview, a live correspondent report from the International student party in Nymble and of course the two students who teach Salsa in Lappis.

A week later we had two guys of the Stockholm Film Festival 2005 in our show.

It became more quiet towards to the end of the year, but now as 2006 has come, we have great plans to give you the best every Friday.

We celebrated the new year with a team party show on 21st January

The story continues...

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