Friday, July 21, 2006

The Hello Everybody Show Warmup on 21st July

Only 2 weeks left for the new international students to come to Stockholm - time to warm-up.

The playlist for tonight:

  1. Pink - Just like a pill (remix)
  2. The Presidents of the USA - Video killed the radio star
  3. Sportfreunde Stiller - 54, 74, 90, 2010
  4. Per Gessle - Joanna says
  5. Tiptop - Tausend Meilen
  6. Paola & Chiara - Vamos a bailar (esta vida nueva)
  7. Depeche Mode - Everything counts (Original 1983 Mix)
  8. Tenacious D - Tribute (dedicated to Annie)
  9. Eagles - Hotel California
  10. Farin Urlaub - Alle dasselbe
  11. Donots - Today
  12. Counting Crows - Mr. Jones
  13. Madness - Our House
  14. Wencke Myhre - Er steht im Tor (dedicated to Gayradio)
Next week, friday 10 pm to 11pm, another warm-up show - enjoy the week and have fun!

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